PNYX Group

Integrated Investment Management

What we do

PNYX Group

provides outsourced CIOs (OCIOs), CIO or Investment Committee services to asset owners.

We promote a strong stewardship, with emphasis on long term orientation and positive social impact towards resilient financial performance.

PNYX’s scenario-based forward-looking views engage both top-down and bottom-up approaches with a view of achieving high-performance cost-efficient portfolios.
Our proprietary process leaves ample room for customization, as each asset owner needs its own way to portfolio construction or portfolio restructuring. PNYX services are therefore particularly effective at time of portfolio transitions due to the adoption of a new investment strategy, a market regime shift or changes in the investment management approach.
Governance, risk management, innovation and sophistication across systems are strong performance enablers of complex portfolios. PNYX’s experienced team has deep access to hedging strategies and innovative investment solutions. Our expertise is unparalleled at active investment engagement. Governance is the ultimate driver of performance.

Our mission

Transforming Investment Performance
and Resilience by Aligning

Across investment structures
and silos

Based on Best-in-Class Governance Principles

Across regime shifts

Based on Proprietary Scenarios Methodology

Across asset classes
and risk views

Based on Proprietary Scenarios Methodology